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Carbon nanotubes(CNTs)

Back into the Nano world we have to talk about carbon nanotubes. But how exactly are they structured and what are the opportunities they...

28 May 2016

Quantum dots

What exactly are quantum dots and how can they be used? This article will explain it to you.



Quantum dots are structures on nano-scale mostly made out of semiconducting materials but the features of them can be adjusted very precisely.

26 May 2016

Assembler vs Nanofactory

The final goal of the Nanotechnology is to build the first atomic precise factory that can produce macroscopic objects. But what will this change in our life and in the world?

Introduction Assembler

A molecular assembler is a robot on Nano scale that can manipulate molecules and atoms to produce structures they don't exist natural. The first one was outlined by

20 May 2016

Carbon nanotubes(CNTs)

Back into the Nano world we have to talk about carbon nanotubes. But how exactly are they structured and what are the opportunities they offer?



The basis of every nanotube is the promising material Graphene. One of the great properties it has is the high tenacity which is defined by the Young's modulus that describes the relationship between tension and strain. Graphene’s tenacity is about 1020 GPa,

14 May 2016

Organic electronics

The big companies like Samsung and Apple are talking about flexible mobiles and screes that you can roll like paper. But how does it work? This article will introduce you into the world of organic electronics.

Polymer electronics

Polymer electronics basically means to create electric circuits with organic molecules (polymers). These molecules can be conductors, semiconductors or isolators depending on their structure. To create circuits these molecules get printed on organic films. Today the polymer